Congratulations on your new Clever Corgi puppy!
Taking your new puppy home
Your new puppy has been on a couple of car rides so far, however on go home day many are traveling farther than they ever have before and may be a little stressed to be away from their siblings and momma for the first time. Your puppy may become sick during the car ride. I recommend you bring along someone to hold the puppy in their lap or use a dog carrier. Some suggestions are to keep the window cracked a couple of inches for fresh air for your pup. Stroke the puppy gently under the chin and neck and speak in a soft calming voice. Peppermint is very soothing to the stomach so you could let them have a little piece of a crushed up mint.
What to bring:
an old towel
paper towels or my wipes
plastic bag to house said towel and trash should your little one get sick
water dish and bottle of water
small toy or chew toy (I will send pup home with 1 toy and one chew item so you could always use these)
Collar and leash if you are going a long distance and will need to let your new pup potty along the way.
Some bring a litter tray and pet grass for long trips and this works very well as the pups are used to this system and know exactly what is expected of them when presented with it!
Home sweet Home:
Once home give your new little one time to stretch their little legs and to settle down for 30-45 minutes. I recommend the back yard so that they can explore their new environment a bit and use the potty. If you use a front yard be sure to stay far away from the sidewalk or anywhere others may have walked their dogs. Parvo can last up to 6 months in the soil and grass. You will need to be cautious where you allow your new puppy the first 16 weeks.
So many things have just changed for your new pup. They have left behind everything that they have known for the 1st 8 weeks of their life and this can be very difficult for them. It is best if you can spend the first 3 or 4 days at home with them. Make sure that children know that they will need to be quiet and calm around the puppy while they are adjusting the first few days. Soon enough they will be able to romp and play! Teach children to properly carry and hold the young pup, however puppies typically do not like to be carried and will be happiest if they sit and hold them in their lap or play quietly with a toy.
Puppy Mouthing
Puppies explore their whole world with their mouth and can be very mouthy at this age. You will need to teach them to not use teeth on skin and to be gentler than they are with their litter mates. Their mom had been working on this as have we, but it is now up to you to carry on. NEVER allow them to play bite on hands or clothes even if it does not hurt you it may hurt someone younger or older with more fragile skin. Also, we do not want them to think that this is acceptable. Simply redirect them with a chew toy or stuffed animal.
When your puppy tries to nip at hands or feet(worse yet ankles!) you are going to make a loud sharp noise to startle them. Some use NO, OUCH or a Yelp and then immediately give them something more appropriate to chew on. This teaches them that you are not to be nibbled on....
Chew Toys are your best friend
These will be your saving grace for the first 12 months, but especially when puppies are teething and so very mouthy. Please, please, please avoid rawhide. See the shopping list for some of our favorite chew items that are safe for puppy. These include antlers, buffalo horns, goat horns, Himalayan cheese chews and more. These will help keep teeth clean and give them an outlet for their never ending need to chew.
Feeding Schedule
Puppies need to eat 3-4 small meals a day right now. Your pup will eat 1-1 1/2 cups to start so you will break this up into 3 or 4 smaller meals. They will go through phases where their appetite is less and times where it seems all they want to do is eat. This is normal. Make sure that they are at least drinking. Pick up food after 15 minutes at each meal and a couple of hours before bed time. The main goal of the first week at home is to get them on a schedule for eating/sleeping/potty.
Puppies will need to potty immediately after waking up, 30-60 minutes after a meal and after playing for 10-15 minutes. Your pups are used to using a litter box with a grass pad. I have one in their pen, one in my living room for when they are all out for a romp and one on our deck. They are 95% consistent with this...even if you do not plan to use it long term you can use it to your advantage right now to show them where it is that you want them to go.
I recommend feeding your puppy in their associates good feelings with the crate. Even to this day if I need to crate my girls they get a cookie to eat while they are in there or a favorite chew item...and when I say kennel they run and beat me there and will be lying quietly waiting for their num num. After 15-20 minutes take their bowl up until the next feeding even if there is still kibble left. About 15- 30 minutes after eating take your puppy out to potty.
Potty Time!
When your puppy is successfully eliminating outside I like to repeat a phrase that I can later use as a signal to get them to eliminate on command such as "go potty, good potty"
First thing in the morning rush them right outside
15-30 minutes After eating
After a nap rush them outside
After a hard play session
Anytime they have been in their crate.
Anytime that you see them sniffing and circling around.
When potty training your puppy if you cannot be right there with them they will need to be in their crate or puppy this keeps them safe and two it is essential to the potty training process.
Some whining and crying when you first start crating is to be expected. I do not recommend that you put their crate in your bedroom. Mine are in my living room where we are the majority of time during the day, yet it is quiet to not disturb the puppies at night. If the pup is fussy you can lay a blanket across the top at night, many find this comforting and will quiet down. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER get your puppy out of the crate when they are banking or must wait until they are quiet and well behaved. Otherwise they think you have let them out because they have barked or whined and will continue to utilize that tactic.
Some whining and crying is to be expected at first, they are not used to being without their littermates, however this too shall pass and you will have a crate trained puppy!